H. D. Mize Rentals, LLC is a family-owned company based in Greenfield, IN. Harold &
Melissa Mize acquired their first rental property in 1989 and have expanded to
include single-family, multi-family, office spaces, commercial spaces and self
storage sites in and around the Greenfield area. H. D. Mize Rentals is continually
acquiring more locations, so please check back if you do not see anything available in
your target area.
We are one-stop shop for your rental needs. Whether you need space
for your family, your belongings, or your business, we can provide!
Our locations are near convenient local attractions, facilities and schools.
With modern features, great maintenance and upkeep, and a variety of floor plans
and housing styles, H. D. Mize Rentals is sure to be able to welcome you home.
Now that's living!!